The diversity and density of Plecoptera in the headwaters of Cisadane River, West Java, Indonesia

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Research Paper 01/07/2016
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The diversity and density of Plecoptera in the headwaters of Cisadane River, West Java, Indonesia

Yunita Magrima Anzani, Majariana Krisanti, Yusli Wardiatno
J. Bio. Env. Sci.9( 1), 126-132, July 2016.
Certificate: JBES 2016 [Generate Certificate]


The headwaters of Cisadane River originally flow from Salak and Gede-Pangrango Mountains of West Java, part of Mount Halimun-Salak National Park. As a conservation area, the presence of the park would protect the ecological health of headwaters. It is therefore interesting to compare the ecological status of the headwaters located inside and outside the park.  Plecoptera is one of the pollution-sensitive orders and is commonly used in river health biomonitoring. Therefore, the presence of this order is often used as river health indicator. The aim of this study was to compare the diversity and density of Plecoptera in Cisadane River’s headwaters inside and outside of national park. The present study was conducted in the headwaters of Cisadane River. One of the headwaters is located in protected area of the national park. Plecoptera nymphs were collected from four sites inside the park (station 1, 2, 3, and 4) and from two sites outside the park (station 5 and 6). Collections were made fortnightly, starting from April to June 2015 using surber (30×30 cm). The results showed that  5 genera of 4 families were found in the river, i.e. family Capniidae (Nemocapnia sp.), family Chloroperlidae(Haploperla sp.), family Nemouridae (Amphinemura sp.), and family Perlidae (Acroneuria sp. and Neoperla sp.). The density decreased following the gradient from the upper sites of the park to the lower sites. In addition, no Plecoptera was found at the outside of the park. The presence of the national park was proved to provide better habitat for Plecoptera.


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