The economic yield evaluation and some of the morphological traits of chickpea cultivars under the influence of different densities

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Research Paper 01/12/2013
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The economic yield evaluation and some of the morphological traits of chickpea cultivars under the influence of different densities

Mohammad Saeed Vaghar, Soheil Kobraee, Keyvan Shamsi, Rasekhi Behrooz
Int. J. Biosci.3( 12), 232-244, December 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


In order to study yield and yield components of three chickpea genotypes at different plant densities under dry land conditions, a Field experiment was conducted during 2013 at the Research Farm of the Islamic Azad University of Kermanshah. The experimental design was factorial based on randomized complete block design with three replications. Five plant density (10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 plant/m2) and three chickpea cultivars (ILC482, Arman and Flip84-48C) were factors which studied. Results showed that effect of plant density on grain yield was significant at 1% level. With increase of plant density from 10 to 30 plant/m2, grain yield increased and from 30 to 50 plant/m2, grain yield decreased, the reason of this was competition and shading of plants in surface unit. The highest yield (1033.1 Kg/h) was achieved in 30 plant/m2. Effect of cultivar on grain yield was significant at 5% level. The highest yield (1011.2 Kg/h) was achieved with ILC482 cultivar. With increase of plant density plant height increased but number of pod in plant, number of grain in plant, number of primary branch, number of secondary branch and hundred seed weight decreased. Plant density had no significant effect on number of seed per pod. The highest number of pod in per plant and plant height and lowest seed weight belonged to ILC482 cultivar. Arman cultivar had maximum seed weight. Effect of cultivar on seed per pod was not significant. In order to sowing of Chickpea in the area we predicate use from ILC482 cultivars with density of 30 plant/m2


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