The effect of 980 nanometer diode laser in relieving dentin hypersensitivity: a clinical study

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Research Paper 08/11/2024
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The effect of 980 nanometer diode laser in relieving dentin hypersensitivity: a clinical study

Hareth A. Alrikabi
Int. J. Biosci.25( 5), 87-94, November 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Dentin hypersensitivity is a common issue happened due to exposure of the root surface. Patients with dentin hypersensitivity complain from sharp short pain that triggered by different stimuli, such as thermal changes, tactile stimuli and osmotic changes. This study aims to explore the effect of the 980 nanometer diode laser in treatment of the dental pain associated with dentin hypersensitivity over 4 weeks period. Ten patients with exposed root surfaces suffering from dentin hypersensitivity were subjected to treatment by using 980 nanometer diode laser, three treatment sessions for each patient. The pain severity evaluated before and after treatment.8 of the 10 patients participated in the study felt relived after three sessions of treatment. Only two patients still feeling a little discomfort for thermal changes. According to the result of this study, the diode laser (980 nanometer) has a very good effect in relieving the discomfort of the dentin hypersensitivity.


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