The effect of destruction in positioning of Quercus brantii in Zagros forests, Iran (case study: Ghalehgol forest, Khoramabad City)

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Research Paper 01/08/2013
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The effect of destruction in positioning of Quercus brantii in Zagros forests, Iran (case study: Ghalehgol forest, Khoramabad City)

P. Farhadi, J. Soosani1, K. Adeli, V. Alijani
J. Bio. Env. Sci.3( 8), 49-57, August 2013.
Certificate: JBES 2013 [Generate Certificate]


Knowledge of the positioning trees is useful In recognition of their mechanisms; describe ecosystem sustainability, design of appropriate management plans and protective and revival measures. Due to the Quercus brantii species recognize dominant species Zagros forests. In this research start with one hundred percent inventory of the range to 32 hectares positioning Quercus brantii trees studied in Ghalegol forests Khorramabad city. Then with taking cut trees (situation before destruction) positioning Quercus brantii trees re-examined and compared with the current situation in the region. For investigate trees positioning mentioned species was used from, Uniform angle and Pair correlation functions indices. Clark & Evans average results before and after destruction calculated 0.41 and 0.76. Represents change positioning from cluster to between random and cluster pattern. Uniform angle index average before and after its destruction (the current situation) calculated 0.52 and 0.45. Indicative random positioning Quercus brantii trees in both cases. Also pair correlation function indicated pair of Quercus brantii trees with distance between trees more than 5.1 m in the current situation have a random distribution. But this function is calculated by counting the species of trees (before destruction); random pattern indicated for the pair Quercus brantii trees the distance between trees 4.5 meters. Indices used in this research have high capacity compared and investigate positioning a species various stages or different species a stage and the results can be used for sustainable forest management.


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