The effect of different environmental factor temperature and PH on growth of V. Cholerae isolated from clinical samples in Balochistan.

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Research Paper 01/02/2022
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The effect of different environmental factor temperature and PH on growth of V. Cholerae isolated from clinical samples in Balochistan.

Ashiq Hussain, Nazir Ahmad Sasoli, Abdul Sadiq, Muhammad Anwar Somro, Iftikhar-Ul-Haq, Muhammad Kamran Taj, Sakina Khan, Umbreen Zafar, Nawab Khan Panezai, Saima Azam, Syeda Ayesha Ali
J. Bio. Env. Sci.20( 2), 70-74, February 2022.
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Vibrio are defined as motile, curved rod, asporogenous facultative anaerobic and gram-negative bacteria. V. cholerae ferment glucose and producing the oxidase and catalase without making gas. Either need NaCl for their growth stimulated by its addition. This enteric pathogen naturally inhabits an aquatic environment and can cause infections in humans. The present study was design to check the influence of temperature and pH on growth of V. cholerae. A distinct effect on the multiplication of V. cholerae was confirmed by measuring culturable counts on agar plates. Results showed that the V. cholerae growth was extremely depended on temperature. Best growth was observed at optimum temperature that was 30°C and 37°C, whereas less growth was observed at 20°C and no growth was observed at 15°C and above 45°C. This study revealed that best pH for V. cholerae growth was 10-12 while no growth was observed on 4 pH. V.cholerae can multiply freely in water and bacterial growth increases in contaminated waters during the warm months. At higher temperature above 40°C and below 15°C no growth was seen. Similarly, the organism exhibited best growth between pH 8-11. However, minimal growth was seen at pH 6 and pH 12. The temperature 30-37oC, and pH 8-11 may be recommended for the best growth of the V. cholerae.


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