The effect of different levels of auxin hormone and phosphate fertilizer on morpho-physiological characteristics of fababean root and its qualitative yield in ahvaz climate

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Research Paper 01/06/2014
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The effect of different levels of auxin hormone and phosphate fertilizer on morpho-physiological characteristics of fababean root and its qualitative yield in ahvaz climate

Jalal Tarfi Alivi, Taieb Saki Nejad, Mani Mojadam
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 6), 198-205, June 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Statistics indicate increasing importance and development of legumes as an important source of food in most countries and sowing faba bean has a long history in Khuzestan. The use of plant hormones to produce herbal products with higher quality and quantity has been investigated since many years ago. In order to investigate the effect of different levels of Auxin hormone and phosphate fertilizer on morpho-physiological characteristics of broad been root and its yield components an experiment was carried out in Ahvaz in 2011-2012 as a split plot in the form of randomized complete block design. The main plots included different levels of phosphate fertilizer (P1=0Kg/h, P2 = 100Kg/h, P3 = 150kg/h) and the sub plot included different doses of Auxin hormone (H1 = 0ppm, H2 = 10ppm, H3 = 15ppm). The results showed that foliar spray of auxin increased lateral roots, root dry weight, nitrogen percentage of nodes and the number of nodes per plant. Moreover, the application of 100 kg/ha phosphorus fertilizer increased lateral roots and root dry weight. Since the land was salty in plots where auxin was not used, the nodes were not formed in broad been roots and thus biological fixation did not occur. The results also showed that the highest yield among productive components belonged to treatments with 15 ppm auxin and 100 kg/ha phosphate fertilizer.


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