The effect of different salinity levels on leaf length and breadth of 20 genotypes of monogerm and sugar beet polygerm in greenhouse conditions

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Research Paper 01/05/2014
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The effect of different salinity levels on leaf length and breadth of 20 genotypes of monogerm and sugar beet polygerm in greenhouse conditions

Bahram Mirzamasoumzadeh, Babak Ahadzadeh, Nasim Naderi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 5), 362-365, May 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Salinity is one of the most important limiting factors of economic use of grounds for cultivation of agricultural plants and one of the most significant research areas of researchers of the new plant science is the study of biological changes of the plant in stress conditions and the observation of physiologic and morphological changes. Thus, for this purpose, an experiment was carried out so as to evaluate the 20 genotypes of sugar beet in salinity stress conditions as a factorial experiment and a completely randomized block design in three replications in the greenhouse environment. The results showed that salt stress conditions, significant differences were observed in terms of traits. Studies showed that there was a significant difference at the 1% level between evaluated genotypes in terms of all evaluated traits. Salinity stress caused a 20.65% in leaf length and 19.54% in leaf breadth.


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