The effect of feed additive supplementation in broiler diet on performance and α–tocopherol

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Research Paper 01/11/2018
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The effect of feed additive supplementation in broiler diet on performance and α–tocopherol

Nagham Abdlateef Rasheed, Mayada Fadil Muhammad
Int. J. Biosci.13( 5), 151-160, November 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The broilers represent the most important source of meat for Iraqi consumers, therefore, it is very imperative to study the effect of some Feed additive supplementation on some productive performance for these broilers. This study was carried out to explain the effect of different levels of Grape pomace, Rosemary and Thyme supplementation in broiler diet on some productive parameters and α – tocopherol concentration in serum and meat. Two hundred and forty one day old (Ross-308) broiler chicks, have been distributed randomly into four treatments each one consist of three replicates and each replicate contained (20) chicks. All treatments fed a basal diet. The first treatment as a control – free from addition (T1), the second treatment (T2) contained 6% Grape pomace, the third treatment (T3) contained 6% Grape pomace and 1% Rosemary, and the fourth treatment (4) contained grape pomace 6% and 1% Thyme. The results of this study illustrated significant differences (P≤0.01) in the second, third and fourth groupas compared with control group concerning some productive traits (live body weight, weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion ratio). The result of α-tocopherol showed significant differences (P≤0.01) in the second, third and fourth treatments compared with control while the third treatment recorded significant increment(P≤0.01) compared with other treatments in both serum and meat. In conclusion: the treatment contained grape pomace 6% and 1% Thyme showed the best results as compared with other treatments.


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