The effect of kinetin treatment on indices of germination and activity of canola seed enzymes under salt stress

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Research Paper 01/06/2013
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The effect of kinetin treatment on indices of germination and activity of canola seed enzymes under salt stress

Rasool Mohammadi Echi, Davood Eradatmand Asli, Sied Javad Vajedi, Zahra Fakharian Kashani
Int. J. Biosci.3( 6), 190-197, June 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


An experiment was conducted in agricultural plants physiologic laboratory in agriculture faculty of Islamic Azad university of Saveh branch. Improved canola seeds of Isfahan 14 cultivar were treated by chemical substance of kinetin in four levels of 5(control), 10, 15 and 20 ppm. NaCl was used in four levels of 0(control), 70,140 and 210 mg/lit for applying salt stress. During germination process traits like germination percentage, length of seedlings, length of stem, seedling fresh weight, seedling dry weight, and activity of catalase and peroxides enzymes were assessed. After statistical analysis of the studied traits in germination and growth of seedling, it was observed that by increase of salt level the percentage of germination, length of root and stem were reduced significantly. Also, kinetin increased length of stem. Enzyme activity increased under salt stress so that lowest and highest activity of catalase and peroxides enzymes was obtained in level 0 and level 4 respectively in this case. Also, the results of mean comparison showed that there is no difference among different levels of kinetin in activity of catalase and peroxides enzymes.


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