The effectiveness of ecotourism management of multidimensional scaling (MDS) in Mount Rinjani National Park

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Research Paper 01/09/2018
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The effectiveness of ecotourism management of multidimensional scaling (MDS) in Mount Rinjani National Park

Hairil Anwar, Lies Rahayu W. F, Chafid Fandeli, M. Baiquni
J. Bio. Env. Sci.13( 3), 98-108, September 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Mount Rinjani National Park (TNGR) is a natural conservation area that has the potential of biological natural resources and the uniqueness of the landscape as well as the socio-cultural diversity of the community. This potential as the main attraction in the management of ecotourism. This study aims to map the effectiveness of the eco-tourism management cycle of TNGR in achieving its management objectives. Multidimensional scaling (MDS) is one of the methods used to assess the effectiveness index of Ecotourism management cycle of TNGR using Rapid Appraisal Sustainability Index for TNGR Ecotourism based on mapping data on two or three dimensional space in the form of perceptual mapping through data collection using questionnaire with purposive sampling technique to key informant that is stakeholders in management of ecotourism of TNGR. MDS ordination results on the dimensions of the ecotourism management cycle of TNGR show the dimensions of the contextual background, dimensions of planning, and dimensions of output are included in the quite effective category while the dimensions of the needs (input), process dimensions of process, and dimensions of outcome impact are included in less effective category. Based on the average index of 6 (six) dimensions, the effectiveness of ecotourism management of TNGR is included in the quite effective category. This category illustrates the overall goal of TNGR ecotourism management that has been achieved, but it still needs to increase the index value in the six dimensions of the eco-tourism management cycle of TNGR to achieve higher levels of performance management effectiveness.

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