The geochemistry of the main pools in the humid compound “Guerbes-Sanhadja” (Algerian North-East)

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Research Paper 01/04/2018
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The geochemistry of the main pools in the humid compound “Guerbes-Sanhadja” (Algerian North-East)

Nawel Hadjoudja, Rachid Djamai, Fadila Fekrache, Abderzak Boushaba, Azzedine Hadef
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 4), 109-116, April 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The compound of the humid area Guerbes –Sanhadja is located in Ben Azzouz town in the east of Skikda, Algeria. It is of 42.110ha.The main physicochemical parameters of the eight big basins that are considered as the most representative of the whole humid area measured on the ground show that all the pools studied have almost a neutral pH. The electric conductivity of the set of pools show that their waters allow a reasonable exploitation Except a pool which has a high salinity level in Ain Nechma (AN 2) the chemical analyses of these waters allows also to note that the quantities of salt are different from one site to another, which can be explained by the influence of the substratum, the reason is the anthropogenic effect ( pumping, uncontrolled dump sites, wastewater disposal). The obtained results show that on the whole, the waters of the pools in the compound Guerbes-Sanhadja are rich in calcium and bicarbonate with the dominance of a chemical feature with calcium-bicarbonates type.


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