The impact of ballast water disposal of commercial vessels, diversity of species and tide time in the west monsoon in port of Tanjung Emas Semarang

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The impact of ballast water disposal of commercial vessels, diversity of species and tide time in the west monsoon in port of Tanjung Emas Semarang

Agus Tjahjono, Azis Nur Bambang, Sutrisno Anggoro
J. Bio. Env. Sci.10( 1), 80-89, January 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The disposal of ballast water impacted to the aquatic ecosystem. Certain plankton species are able to survive in polluted conditions in the sea water of the Port of Tanjung Emas Semarang (PTES). This study aimed to assess the quality of the sea water as a result of ballast water discharge in the west monsoon against species phytoplankton diversity. Plankton was used as a bioindicator in the changes in water quality when HTL (High Tide Level) and LTL (Low Tide Level) occurred in the west monsoon of the ecosystem. The concentration of heavy metals in some commercial vessels were above the maximum limit, which resulted in the extinction of plankton organisms; it was possibly caused by the entry of these vessels in PTES waters. In the west monsoon, the Pb concentrations in the 8 stations are above the prescribed maximum limit that affected the marine environment, however the Total Dissolved Solid (TDS)  were still in the low range for the waters. The test samples of heavy metals was done by spectrophotometry. The results demonstrated the diversity of the genus Bacillariophyceae mostly found increasing in station II, and decreasing in the station IV with number, 3.83, and 3,395 species/l respectively. The adaptability of plankton was evident in Skeletonema, Synedra, Thalassiothrix, Thalassionema, Ceratium, Peridium, Ornithocercus and Anabaenopsis. Determination of ballast water exchange in the ocean was one alternative to prevent a decline in species diversity.


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