The impact of change in irrigation regime on canola (Carthamus tinctoriusb L.) in Kashan region

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Research Paper 01/06/2013
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The impact of change in irrigation regime on canola (Carthamus tinctoriusb L.) in Kashan region

A. A. Mosallayi, M. Sharifmogaddasi, Zahra Fakharian Kashani, S. J. Vajedi
Int. J. Biosci.3( 6), 198-203, June 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


Canola (Carthamus tinctoriusb L.) is a plant with long day, deep and expanded root. This plant tolerates drought stress. It is less resistant than barely. In order to investigate the different irrigation regimes of 5,10, 15 and 20 days and effect of drought stress on yield of three canola cultivars of spring Isfahan native, Isfahan and IL 111 an experiment was conducted as split plot design by four duplications in Kashan agriculture research field. The results show that increase in moisture level absorbed by plant and drought stress reduce the traits like grain per plant yield, number of fertile head per plant, number of grain per plant in head and number of infertile head. Ten days irrigation period had positive effect on the traits and increased yield %21.5. Since Isfahan cultivar 14 has more infertile head per plant and grain yield per plant it can be expected that grain yield of this cultivar is high relative to two other cultivars and this difference can be considered due to genetic potential and environmental compatibility.


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