The impact of different nitrogen fertilizer levels on maize hybrids performance in a humid environment

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Research Paper 01/10/2021
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The impact of different nitrogen fertilizer levels on maize hybrids performance in a humid environment

Muhammad Imran, Amjed Ali, Muhammad Ehsan Safdar
Int. J. Biosci.19( 4), 207-216, October 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Fertility and its management are critical issues in sustainable agriculture for crops such as maize. The objective of this research was to compare maize hybrids (H) and nitrogen (N) rates, growth, yield, and yield components. We hypothesized that increasing supplemental levels of N would increase yield and yield components. A field experiment was conducted at NARC Islamabad using in a split plot design with three replications in 2017 and 2018, with the following levels of N (kg ha-1:  100 (N1),  175 (N2),  N3 (250),  N4 (325), and  N5 (400) using three different hybrids (H),  H1 (P-3939),  H2 (30-T-60), and  H3 (30-Y-87). Data were analyzed using the MIXED procedures of SAS. The statistical models included the individual effects of N levels and H, the interactions between N and H and random effect of the year. Orthogonal polynomial contrasts were constructed to determine the optimum level of N. Yield and yield components were improved at 325kg N ha-1 with significant effects on maximum plant height, number of grains cob-1, number of grains per m2 and grain yield. The results revealed that growth, yield and yield components were maximized at (P < 0.000) for NARC Islamabad at the N4 level without having an interaction with the H of maize crop. It was concluded that the selection of best H at 325kg N ha-1 can be used to enhance the efficiency of maize yield in autumn season.


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