The influence of climate factors on the incidence of associative invasions with pathogenic Eimeria in small ruminants in Azerbaijan

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Research Paper 10/12/2024
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The influence of climate factors on the incidence of associative invasions with pathogenic Eimeria in small ruminants in Azerbaijan

Aygun A. Azizova, Sevda M. Muradova
Int. J. Biosci.25( 6), 383-393, December 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Pathogenic Eimeria species were appointed in sheep and goats in the Mountainous Shirvan and Shirvan-Salyan economic regions located in different reliefs of Azerbaijan, the incidence of the infection was researched and analyzed. İn 4,905 (61.3%) out of 8,000 sheep researched in the Mountainous-Shirvan, was detected the infection with pathogenic Eimeria species. 4 pathogen species belonging to the genus of Eimeria were noted in sheep – E. ahsata, E. crandallis, E. ovinoidalis, E. arloingi. The infection with pathogenic Eimeria species was detected in 3,303 (55.0%) of the 6,000 goats researched in this economic region. 5 pathogen species belonging to the genus Eimeria noted in goats – E. ninakohlyakimovae, E. hirci, E. chistenseni, E. arloingi and E. caprina. In 5,059 (50.5%) out of 10,000 sheep researched in the Shirvan-Salyan economic region, were noted the infection with the pathogenic Eimeria species. 3 pathogenic species  belonging to the genus of Eimeria  were noted in sheep – E. ahsata, E. ovinoidalis, E. crandallis. The infection with the pathogenic Eimeria were noted in 1,693 (42.3%) out of 4,000 goats researched in this economic region. 2 pathogenic species belonging to the genus of Eimeria were noted in goats  – E. ninakohlyakimovae and E. hirci. The incidence of the infection with the pathogenic Eimeria species was higher and followed in associative form in lambs and kids up to 1 year old, and the clinical eimeriosis was noted in kids. In the Mountainous Shirvan economic region, in lambs, the pathogenic Eimeria species were followed in an associative form with Moniezia expansa, in kids the pathogenic Eimeria species were followed in an associative form with Moniezia benedeni, respiratory and gastrointestinal nematodes. In the Shirvan-Salyan economic region, in lambs, the pathogenic Eimeria species were noted in an associative form with the gastrointestinal nematodes, in kids, the pathogenic Eimeria species were noted in an associative form with the Trichuris sp. and Dicrocoelium sp. helminths.


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