The influence of climatic change on major agricultural crops: a case study of Sindh, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/12/2019
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The influence of climatic change on major agricultural crops: a case study of Sindh, Pakistan

Naveed Wahid, Ahmed, Raza, Zahid H. Channa, Arshad Saleem, Wazir Ali Metlo, Muhammad Hafeez, Farzana Altaf, Zaid Altaf, Arman Khan, Masood Wahid Awan
Int. J. Biosci.15( 6), 342-353, December 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


This study has tried to capture the influence of climate change on the major agricultural crops in the Sindh province, Pakistan. Different crops are cultivated in Sindh but the major ones are Wheat, Cotton, Sugarcane, Maze and Rice. This study conducted an empirical analysis to justify the impact of climate change on these crops and to distinguish between weather variability and climate change. Data is gathered from the Agricultural department of Sindh, Pakistan. Agricultural Research Council (PARC), and the Pakistan Meteorological Department. Panel data approach is employed to diagnose the results. Ordinary Least Square, Fixed or Random effect model is used on the bases of Housman test. The results showed the impact of rising temperature on Wheat, Cotton, Sugarcane, and Maze is significant and positive and significantly negative for rice only. On the other hand, precipitation developed a significant and negative sign with Wheat, Rice and Cotton are highly significant and positive with sugarcane. This study may help the stakeholders of the agriculture sector to mitigate the permanent effects of weather uncertainty could be beneficial for the welfare of farmers than momentary measures.


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