The Influence of Mycorrhiza and Phosphate Rock Fertilizer on the Growth of Cacao Seedling

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Research Paper 01/09/2018
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The Influence of Mycorrhiza and Phosphate Rock Fertilizer on the Growth of Cacao Seedling

Husaini, Ashabul Anhar, Teti Arabia
J. Bio. Env. Sci.13( 3), 32-37, September 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The study was conducted in Gapui of Indra Jaya Sub Distrtict Pidie Jaya, Aceh and Plant Protection Laboratory of Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia. It is was investigated from April until June, 2015. Randomized Completely Block Design was arranged with three replications. There were two factors investigated, Mycorrhiza and phosphate rock fertilizer. The factor of mycorrhiza were 3 levels including without mycorrhiza, 10 g and 20 g mycorrhiza-1. The factor of phosphate rock fertilizer were 4 levels including without P2O5-1, 2.7 g P2O5-1; 5.4 g P2O5-1; and 8.0 g P2O5-1. Parameters are, percentage of infection roots of mycorrhiza and N, P and K absorbed. The result reveals the best percentage of infection roots; N, P and K absorbed on mycorrhiza was found on 20 g-1 and the lowest was found in without mycorrhiza. While the best percentage of infection roots; N, P and K absorbed on Phosphate rock fertilizer was found on 8.0 g P2O5 -1 and the lowest was found in without Phosphate rock fertilizer. The best  interaction on percentage of infection roots; N, P and K absorbed between them was found on 20 g-1; 8.0 g P2O5 -1  and have different on other treatments.

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