The interactive effects humic acid application and several of nitrogen fertilizer on remobilization star wheat

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Research Paper 01/08/2013
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The interactive effects humic acid application and several of nitrogen fertilizer on remobilization star wheat

S. H. Atarzadeh, M. Mojaddam, T. Saki Nejad
Int. J. Biosci.3( 8), 116-123, August 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


In order to study the effect of the application of Humic acid and different levels of nitrogen on remobilization, production, and yield of star wheat a field experiment was carried out in the region of Viss in the form of split plot and randomized complete block design with four replications in crop year of 2011-2012. Main plots included various levels of nitrogen fertilizer (N0=50, N1=100, and N3=150 kgNha-1) and subplots included the application of Humic acid (H0= lack of Humic acid, H1=foliar spraying at stem elongation stage, H2=foliar spraying at reproductive stage).Results indicated that the effect of nitrogen and Humic acid on leaf area index, grain yield, rate of remobilization, share of remobilization, rate of photosynthesis and share of photosynthesis was significant. The highest amounts of leaf area index, grain yield, remobilization rate, current photosynthesis rate and share were obtained in treatment of 150 kgNha-1. The highest leaf area index, grain yield, remobilization rate, current photosynthesis rate and share were obtained at foliar spraying at reproductive stage. In examining the interactive effect of nitrogen and humic acid on leaf area index, remobilization rate, remobilization rate and share, the difference was significant. Also, at level of 150kgNha-1 the difference was significant for grain yield and current photosynthesis share at foliar spraying at reproductive stage but the difference was not significant at level of 100 kgNha-1 at foliar spraying at stem elongation stage. Therefore, for economical benefits, the application of 100 kgNha-1 along with humic acid foliar spraying at stem elongation stem is recommended.


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