The Livelihoods Vulnerability of Farmers in Upstream and Downstream Areas in Facing Natural Disasters in South Kalimantan, Indonesia

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Research Paper 20/08/2022
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The Livelihoods Vulnerability of Farmers in Upstream and Downstream Areas in Facing Natural Disasters in South Kalimantan, Indonesia


This study applied the Livelihood Vulnerability Index to developing countries’ agricultural and natural resource-dependent communities. The index is involved in a comparative analysis of the vulnerability of upstream and downstream communities in Banjar District, which is expected to bear some of the most severe impacts of climate change in South Kalimantan. The major components indices of the Livelihood Vulnerability Index (LVI), such as Socio-demographic profile, Livelihood strategies, Social network, Health, Food, Water, Natural disaster, and climate variability, were calculated based on survey data. The calculated results showed that those farmer households in the downstream areas feel greater exposure (exposure) and sensitivity due to climate variability (floods). Meanwhile, farmer households in the upstream area are more vulnerable in capacity. In addition to identifying susceptible persons and locations, the study gives appropriate knowledge, information, and practical recommendations to support adaptation decisions as predicted by the vulnerability.

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