The most important of climatic parameters affecting product performance potato ardabil province using the of GIS system

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Research Paper 01/10/2014
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The most important of climatic parameters affecting product performance potato ardabil province using the of GIS system

Mehrdad Esfandiari, S.R. Hassanpour Avanji, M. Shojaei Poor, Navid adibifard
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 4), 74-80, October 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


The present article is aimed at study on agroclimatic conditions of cultivation of potato throughout selected substations at Ardabil Province by means of GIS system. In this investigation, meteorological data have been received from synoptic stations based on daily, monthly, and annually trend from Iran Meteorological Organization (IMO) at Ardabil Province and then homogeneity of data has been explored by (Wald- Wolfowitz) Run Test. Methodology of the research is of statistical descriptive type. Data analysis was carried out by means of Growing Degree Day (GDD) technique and method of Deviation from Optimum Percentage (DOP) plus phenology index as well as thermal potential within environment of statistical software (EXCEL and SPSS). Under agroclimatic conditions, the results of this survey may indicate that the time period among July and September is considered as active months in terms of agriculture based on thermal potential in this region. The early days of May are the best calendar for cultivation of potato month in all the aforesaid substations. Time of harvesting potato crop is middle August for Ardabil, parsabad, and Meshginshahr substations while this time is early September for Khalkhal substation. With respect to the phenological method, dates of cultivation until budding, flowering, and the end of flowering stage and maturation start respectively sooner in parsabad substation than other substations in this region.


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