The physical properties of wood-plastic composite produced from red meranti (Shorea spp.) sawdust, polyethylene and polypropylene

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Research Paper 10/09/2024
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The physical properties of wood-plastic composite produced from red meranti (Shorea spp.) sawdust, polyethylene and polypropylene

Jufriah Rudianto Amirta, Wiwin Suwinarti, Irawan Wijaya Kusuma, Isna Yuniar Wardhani
J. Bio. Env. Sci.25( 3), 121-128, September 2024.
Certificate: JBES 2024 [Generate Certificate]


This study aims to analyze the effect of polyethylene (HDPE) and polypropylene (PP) mixture composition on the physical properties of wood-plastic composites (WPC) with red meranti (Shorea spp.) sawdust as filler.  The target of density of the wood products was 0.7 g/cm3.  The ratio of sawdust and plastic was 40%:60% by adding 3% of MAH as coupling agent. The HPDE and PP ratio treatments consisted of 100% HDPE (treatment A); 75% HDPE: 25% PP (B); 50% HDPE: 50% PP (C), 25% HDPE: 75% PP (D) and 100% PP (E). The process of making composites by compression method at a temperature of 180°C, pressure of 30 bar for 20 minutes. The physical properties of WPC tested according to ASTM standards. The results showed that WPC produced had the range of density was 0.63 – 0.73 g/cm3, moisture content 26 – 3.63%, water absorption after soaking for 24 hours 15.34% – 24.15% and thickness swelling 0.94% – 3.74%. Based on ANOVA, it was found that the ratio of HDPE: PP influenced the physical properties of WPC, except for moisture content. The Density, water absorption and thickness swelling of WPC tend to increase with increasing PP content. The best mixture of HDPE and PP is a composition of 75% HDPE and 25% PP because it produces the lowest water absorption and thickness swelling values.


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