The possibility of transferring resistance genes Mi1.2 and Mi-3 by crossing between wild and susceptible tomato varieties

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Research Paper 01/06/2018
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The possibility of transferring resistance genes Mi1.2 and Mi-3 by crossing between wild and susceptible tomato varieties

Inad D. Abood, Sarah T. Hasan
Int. J. Biosci.12( 6), 417-429, June 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Eleven wild tomato (Solanum spp.) , obtained from Tomato Genetics Resource Center, Davis, Calif, and two cultivars were screened for resistance to Root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne spp , by molecular marker analysis and nematode bioassay. DNA based test and nematode bioassay were used to determine the presence of the root-knot nematode resistance gene Mi in these wild species. Molecular markers Mi23 and TG180M were used to detect Mi-1.2 and Mi-3 respectively. The results of molecular markers were showed the presence of Mi1.2 genes in homozygous alleles (Mi/Mi), which indicated it’s resistance to RKNs, in tomato wild species Solanum pervianum (accession numbers LA0153, LA0446), S. arcanum (accession numbers LA0441, LA1346) and S. huaylasense (accession number LA1360) when all these species gave single band (380bp). While TG180M marker was given single band 1124bp in all wild species and varieties which indicated homozygous resistance alleles (Mi-3/Mi-3). The results of molecular markers were agreed with gall index (GI) which not forming any galls in root systems in Solanum pervianum (accession numbers LA0153, LA0446), S. arcanum (accession numbers LA0441, LA1346) while GI was recorded 1.33 in S. huaylasense (accession number LA1360). The results of traditional hybridization between tomato wild species and susceptible tomato varieties were showed the success of hybridization with some species and their failed with other species. Molecular markers were showed inefficiency DNA extracted from hybrid seeds to detection Mi-1 genes in hybrids.


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