The relationship of phytoplankton density to nitrate and phosphate content in the Small Kei Sea waters of Southeast Maluku District

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Research Paper 01/07/2018
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The relationship of phytoplankton density to nitrate and phosphate content in the Small Kei Sea waters of Southeast Maluku District

Agmi SP Beruat, Domitila Ohoiulun, Diana Yulanda Syahailatua
Int. J. Biosci.13( 1), 420-424, July 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The sea waters of the small Eastern Kei subdistrict and the small southern kei districts are two of the few sub-districts in the small seas of the island. The condition of these two waters is highly dependent on the activities of the people living around them. Domestic waste disposal in the form of domestic waste into the waters is very influential on the condition of the waters and the life of the organism. The impact of waste discharges will affect the quality of the waters among which allegedly can affect the content of nitrate and phosphate. The purpose of this study was to determine the abundance of phytoplankton and its relation with nitrate and phosphate content in the sea waters Kei Keci, Southeast Maluku Regency. The method used for calculation of plankton abundance per liter using APHA formulation (1998 in Rumanti 2013), Nitrate and phosphate analyzes contained in water samples were tested in the laboratory and data analysis was performed using SPSS 20 software. The results showed the type of phytoplankton dominating both stations is Nitzschia nitzschilla with cell density of 167 – 192ind/l, the nitrate content ranges between 1.025 – 1.65mg/l, the phosphate content ranges from 0.34 to 0.38mg/l. The nitrate variable with ketata phytoplankton in sea waters of Kei Kecil is 0,992 with probability 0,041 <0,05, and phosphate variable with phytoplankton density 0,948 with probability 0,103 <0,05, then H0 is rejected, meaning that there is correlation/correlation between phosphate content in the small Kei sea with the density of phytoplankton.

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