The relevance of Gmelina arborea (Roxb.) in agroforestry systens and medicine

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The relevance of Gmelina arborea (Roxb.) in agroforestry systens and medicine

Christian Chukuka Obiazi, Isijokelu Moses Ojeifo
J. Bio. Env. Sci.17( 3), 1-6, September 2020.
Certificate: JBES 2020 [Generate Certificate]


The choice of suitable tree species is critical for optimal output in agroforestry systems. A wide range of potential uses of Gmelina arborea (Roxb.) remain largely ignored, probably because agroforestry programmes, hitherto, laid emphasis on nitrogen-fixing trees. Gmelina arborea is a fast growing multipurpose tree which generates high biomass but does not fix nitrogen. It has excellent coppicing capacity which lends it to rapid regeneration for frequent pruning. It produces an appreciable amount of foliage even at peak of dry season, thereby ensuring a yearround supply of forage and fodder for livestock, such as goats, sheep and cattle which relish the plant. Pruning from Gmelina is also useful for mulching. Favourable reports on the wood properties of Gmelina arborea indicate that it is suitable for general purpose timber, utility furniture, pulpwood and for making match sticks. The high regenerative ability of the roots and stems cuttings, aid vegetative propagation. Gmelina has a vigorous root system which enables it to effectively act as a nutrient pump for the uptake of leached nutrients from subsoil to the soil surface through leaf litter. Gmelinaarborea is tolerant to bush fire, thereby making it adaptable to the common practice of shifting cultivation which frequently involves burning of debris during land preparation. Studies are required to elucidate information on the compatibility of Gmelinaarborea in agroforestry systems.


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