The response of dusky cotton bug (Oxycarenus laetus) kirby in Bt. and non-Bt. cotton varieties at agro eco-climatic conditions of District Khairpur, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/05/2021
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The response of dusky cotton bug (Oxycarenus laetus) kirby in Bt. and non-Bt. cotton varieties at agro eco-climatic conditions of District Khairpur, Pakistan

Muhammad Mithal Rind, Hakim Ali Sahito, Rabia Noreen, Nadir Ali Rind, Nisar Ahmed Jatoi, Akhtar Hussain Shar, Khalid Hussain Rind
Int. J. Biosci.18( 5), 224-230, May 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Dusky cotton bug (DCB) observed throughout the year nearly in all plants and adapted to survive on alternate host plants. In the present research work, different Bt. and non-Bt. cotton varieties were sown at Agro eco- climatic conditions at Cotton Agriculture Research Station Kotdiji (CARSK), district Khairpur, Sindh under field conditions. The first appearance of the DCB on Bt. and non-Bt varieties were recorded in September and the peak population noted during October. The principal component of different Bt. and non-Bt. varieties based on the two groups, the first component accounts for 80.35% of the variance, while, the second component accounts for 7.07% of variance. The results indicated that the optimum humidity (24-32%) and temperature (20-36 oC) for the multiplication of DCB were recorded in Bt. and non-Bt. cotton. It was observed that no variety remained resistance against pest. The DCB population was found in both Bt. and non-Bt. varieties and found no variety resistance against the DCB pest, however, it was also observed that the few varieties were noted with a low DCB population. The regression analysis indicated that the DCB was strongly correlated with humidity and temperature in both Bt. cotton and non-Bt.cotton. Therefore, it is concluded that Bt. cotton varities such as Bt. CIM-602, Bt.-121 and non Bt. cotton varieties Sindh-1 and CRIS-533 cotton varieties considered as more resistant against the DCB pest in agro. eco-climatic region of the district Khairpur Pakistan.

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