The response of yield and related traits of pinto-bean cultivars towards the use of nitrogen chemical and biological fertilizers

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Research Paper 01/10/2014
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The response of yield and related traits of pinto-bean cultivars towards the use of nitrogen chemical and biological fertilizers

Roya Jalali Condolji Mehrdad Yarnia
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 4), 469-478, October 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


By replacing the chemical fertilizers through biological fertilizers, we can increase the yield of organic agricultural products and decrease production costs, pollution of environment and at least to reach a lasting yield in agriculture. For this purpose, effect of chemical and nitrogenous biological fertilizers has done on some traits of different cultivars of pinto-beans an experiment was conducted in the split plot factorial based on completely randomized block design with three replications during growing seasons of 2013-2014. In this experiment, The studied factors were: 6 cultivar of pinto bean such as (Talash, local Aghgouneh from Sarab, line cos16, Ghermez ghuneh From Sarab, Sadri and Khomein) as the main plot, nitrogen fertilizer in three levels as second factor: (0-50 and 100% recommended amount), biologic fertilizer in two levels: (inoculation with super plus rhizobium and without inoculation) is sub second factor. The effect of two fertilizers were significant on all the traits and the use of nitrogen fertilizer and inoculation of seeds by Rhizobium caused increasing of amount of all traits rather than traits of the controll, as the amount of the grain per pod, grain number and weight were more in all levels which were treated by biologic fertilizer rather than without biological fertilizer. In the situation of use and disuse of biologic fertilizer, the high degree in use of nitrogen fertilizer of treatment attendance up to 100% in all levels and in both situation of use and disuse of biologic fertilizer led the grain to be filled very quickly. Using the biologic fertilizer with nitrogen fertilizer caused the decrease of filling of the line cos16 and Talash. The effects of three factors were significant on the 100 kernel weight. The highest and the least 100 kernel weight in local Aqgune and line cos16 were 21.51 and 27.82 grams. In this research the seed yield which was product by biologic fertilizer with 50% chemical fertilizers more than of 100% chemical fertilizer, so far reached to needed yield, we can decrease use of chemical nitrogen fertilizer and use it as strategy for getting the sustainable agriculture.

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