The role of arbuscular mycorriza fungi (AMF) on water stress on soybean yield

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Research Paper 01/01/2018
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The role of arbuscular mycorriza fungi (AMF) on water stress on soybean yield

Fitriana, Ashabul Anhar, Syafruddin
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 1), 83-89, January 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The study was to analyze the role of Arbuscular Mycorriza Fungi (AMF) on water stress on soybean yield (Glycine max L. Merril). The study was conducted in screen house Experimental farm and Biology Soil laboratory in Agriculture Faculty Syiah Kuala University, from June 21 until October 10, 2016. Randomized design was arranged with 3 replications and 2 factorial. Factor AMF is M0=without AMF and M1=40 g-1AMF. Factor water stress is I1 = watering every 1 day; I2= watering every 3 days; I3 = watering every 5 days; I4 = watering every 7 days; I5 =watering every 9 days; I6 = watering every 11 days; I7 = watering every 13 days; I8= watering every 15 days; I9 = watering every 17 days; I10= watering every 19 days. Parameter generative of soybean are, the total pods account, a number of pods packed; heavy of pods; dry weight of root; dry weight top plant; dry weight of beans and a number of beans. The result showed that the doces of AMF 40 g plant-1significantly influence generative soybean contrast to control (without AMF). Soybean can be adapted in watering every 5 days.


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