The role of phenological stages of Hammada salicornica on grazing management and sustainable utilization of rangeland forage

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Research Paper 01/08/2015
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The role of phenological stages of Hammada salicornica on grazing management and sustainable utilization of rangeland forage

Ali Ehsani, Farhang Ghasriani
J. Bio. Env. Sci.7( 2), 167-172, August 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Hammada salicornica is a key range species in arid regions. In this study, phenological stages of Hammada salicornica were investigated at two desert vegetative regions of AbBarik Bam (Kerman province) and Tabas (Yazd province) during 2008-20111. In each vegetative region, after the registration of geographical features, 10 species of Hammada salicornica were selected and then phenological stages were recorded on special forms every 15 days and once a week during growing season and reproductive season, respectively. Results showed that, at AbBarik Bam, the vegetative growth of H. salicornica started from early March and continued in to late May. Due to the intense heat in July, the growth stopped and again in early October the growth continued upon receiving moisture. Flowering stage was in late November. The seeding stage started in early October and continued to the seed maturity stage in late October, and dry stage occurred in December. In Sarakhs region, vegetative growth started in early March and continued until mid-September. Flowering stage started in early October with the emergence of flowers and in the first decade of November seeding stage started and in the second decade of December seed maturity stage occurred, and finally drying stage started in the first decade of January. As a result, on the basis of phenological data of key rang species, determining the right time for livestock entry to and exit from rangelands and applying proper management in a rangeland grazing system as well as determining the best time for seed collection could be scheduled.


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