The simulation of dispersion and distribution of pollutants of flaring operation in refiners of South Pars through AERMOD

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Research Paper 01/06/2015
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The simulation of dispersion and distribution of pollutants of flaring operation in refiners of South Pars through AERMOD

Maryam Bigharaz, Ziaeddin Almassi, Mahnaz Nasr Abadi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 6), 573-588, June 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


One of the most significant environmental problems of oil, gas and petrochemical industries is the disposal of waste hydrocarbon gases in industrial complexes and the most common methods of burning gases is flaring. The flares constitute the main way of wasting energy, loss of economic resources, and emissions of greenhouse gases. It is the underlying factor of global warming and exerts disruptive effects upon the health of humans and other animate entities. Iran is the third country of the world and the first country in the Middle East in regard to emission of flare pollutants. It produces almost 11 percent of the ignited gas in the world. Now, ten refining phases of South Pars region are operating and 28 low-, middle-, and high-pressures flares are burning associated gases. In the present study, the dispersion of air pollutants of flaring operation is simulated through AERMOD Software. The results show that in normal conditions, benzene, H2S, and SO2 are produced more than the normal and standard level so that the highest dispersion concentration of benzene is associated with low-pressure flares of phase 2 and 3, highest dispersion concentration of H2S is associated with medium-pressure flares of phase 4 and 5, and the highest dispersion concentration of SO2 is associated with high- and low-pressure flares. These gases are dispersed toward downstream of the resources. In the end, some solutions are suggested for reduction of emission of these pollutants.


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