The soil carbon sequestration capacity with different land uses (case study: the award watershed in Mazandaran Province)
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The soil carbon sequestration capacity with different land uses (case study: the award watershed in Mazandaran Province)
One approach for reducing CO2 and increasing global carbon storage is the sequestration of it in soils. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate carbon sequestration with different land uses and its economic aspect in the Award watershed in the Mazandaran province. First of all, in the study area, the boundary of the watershed was delineated and controlled by a field survey using GPS. After the boundary of the study area was demarcated, the soil samples were selected randomly, taken from a depth of 0-30 cm for each land use (i.e., protected forest, open forest, rangelands, walnut gardens, mixed walnut–apple gardens, cereal croplands and frijol farmland). In total, around 21 soil samples were taken from the study area. The selected parameters for analysis are the amount of carbon sequestration and certain soil properties (bulk density and organic carbon). The statistical analysis was performed by the SPSS.16.0 software. After the assessment of the homogeneity of variance, in order to test the null hypothesis of the equal averages of the parameters for the seven land uses, analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed by the Duncan test at a significance level of 5%. The results demonstrate that the different land uses have different effects on the amount of carbon sequestration. The protected forests and cereal croplands have the highest and lowest carbon sequestration values, respectively. The overall amount of carbon sequestration in this watershed has been estimated to be around 743,460 ton/ha.
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Zahara Jafari, Samira Mesri, F. Aslani (2015), The soil carbon sequestration capacity with different land uses (case study: the award watershed in Mazandaran Province); JBES, V6, N5, May, P116-121
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