The study of genetic diversity in different plant populations of Artemisia Annua L. native to northern Iran by molecular marker AFLP

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Research Paper 01/08/2016
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The study of genetic diversity in different plant populations of Artemisia Annua L. native to northern Iran by molecular marker AFLP

Bovard Reza, Naghavi Mohammad Reza, Omidi Mansoor, Torabi Sepide, Rezazadeh Shamsali, Hariri Akbari Farhad, Shafie Alavijeh Mehdi, Behjat Sasan Baharak, Parvaneh Saeed, Safakish Kashani Mohammad Bagher
J. Bio. Env. Sci.9( 2), 51-59, August 2016.
Certificate: JBES 2016 [Generate Certificate]


Artemisia annua L. is an annual, medicinal and aromatics plant that is widespread in Asia, Europe and North America and has been wide distribution in northern areas of Iran. In this study, AFLP markers were used to investigate the genetic diversity of 15 populations of A. annua. 86 scorable bands were produced by using four primer combinations )E/M(, that 58 of them) were polymorphic. The highest number of polymorphic bands (24 bands) using primer combination EcoR11-Mse20 and the lowest number of polymorphic (6 bands) using primer combinations EcoR2-Mse35 were produced. Data matrix using similarity coefficient was converted to similarity matrix (distance matrix), and then using the algorithm (UPGMA) was drawn relevant dendrogram. Dendrogram obtained from UPGMA put 15 populations in four groups. The obtained cluster of cases was consistent with the geographic diversity in some cases. Then correlation coefficient based on the Mantel test was obtained 7.0, indicating good agreement drawn dendrogram with the similarity matrix. The results of principal component analysis and almost coincided with the results of cluster analysis. The results showed that the use of AFLP method to assess molecular diversity in these masses is appropriate.


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