The study of industrial town refinery sludge effects on Festuca arundinacea Schreb growth and phytoremediation capacity

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Research Paper 01/11/2015
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The study of industrial town refinery sludge effects on Festuca arundinacea Schreb growth and phytoremediation capacity

M. Mahmoodzadeh, A. Tehrani-Far, A. Fotovat, M. Shoor, F. Kazemi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.7( 5), 59-68, November 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


This experiment designed to study the effects of Mashhad industrial town refinery sludge via its mixture with cultured medium in randomly 3 concentrations, 10%,15% , 20% weight on growth and physiological specifications and phytoremediation capacity of Nickle and Lead by lawn Festuca arundincea. The results showed that using sludge did not have significant effect on morphological characteristics such as fresh weight of root , aerial organs, leaf width, root length and the ratio of wet weight over aerial organs.Though, sludge application in lawn caused height reduction and increased dry weight ofroot and aerial organs. In thatthe amount of chlorophyll b and carotenoids changed significantly and stomata conductivity demonstrated drastic reduction with increasing sludge to 20 wt% .Festuca arundinaceae species showed ability of Ni and Pi accumulation in aerial organs and roots. The amount of accumulation was higher in root. Given that growth ability of Festuca arundinaceaein culture medium in combination with Mashhad industrial district refinery sludge showed the capacity of remediation of heavy metals Ni and Pi and reducing environmental riskswhich proved this sludge capacity to reduce environmental risks .Thus this species is introduced as phytoremediation plant in landscaping.


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