The study of lithology and faults in the Se-Chahun mine, Bafgh, Central Iran

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Research Paper 01/02/2015
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The study of lithology and faults in the Se-Chahun mine, Bafgh, Central Iran

Zahra Hossein Mirzaee
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 2), 455-460, February 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Bafgh is considered as a part of Central Iran zone, and has conserved its characteristics as a platform till Triassic period, but it has been affected by folds and thrusts since Jurassic. Evolution of East micro continent and center of Iran is explainable by Pan orogenic -African in 600 years ago. The comparison between sedimentary basin, magmatic belt and existed faults in Saudi Arabia, East micro continent and center of Iran is not possible easily, because this micro continent was located at the east part of Saudi Arabia 600 years ago. Southern XI anomaly has two main faults. F1 fault is located at the east wall of southern XI anomaly extending NE-SW in the boundary of sedimentary rocks and metasomatism. F2 fault is located at the north wall of southern XI anomaly with 80° slope to NE and its shear zone is 5m. F3 fault is extended NW-SE; it has led to creation of a boundary between metasomatisme rocks and low-grade ore. F4 fault is located at the east wall of southern XI anomaly extending NE-SW in the boundary of metasomatisme rocks and full-fledged ore. X anomaly faults include: F5 fault has 35° slope to NE, and metasomatisme rocks are beside rhyolite rocks. F6 fault is located in southern wall of mine extending NE-SW and its slope degree is about 80° to NW. Under the effect of this fault’s function amphibolite rhyolite rocks are located beside ore with specified boundary.


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