The study of manganese deposits in rhyolites of chah-basheh mine, S Naein, Central Iran

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Research Paper 01/02/2015
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The study of manganese deposits in rhyolites of chah-basheh mine, S Naein, Central Iran

Zohreh Hossein Mirzaei Beni, Ebrahim Panahpour
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 2), 528-535, February 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


These outcrops are composed of Paleozoic rhyolites that are rich from Manganese. These outcrops contain quartz, plagioclase and K-feldspar. This study area is located in the S Naein, E Isfahan and Central Iran. Petrological study and geochemical investigations suggest that rhyolites of Chah Basheh are similar to the high- subalkaline and K calc-alkaline series. Manganese mineralization consists of Iron and Manganese Hydroxids and Oxids specially Manganite and Pyrolusite. Mineralization fills in the cracks among the brocken tectonic rocks with specific and clear directions (NE and NW). Geochemical characteristic of manganese deposit indicate that they formed from hydrothermal solution with an igneous source. Manganese mineralization in the Chah Basheh mine is limited to two separate tectonic zones that one of these areas (area 1) is located in the 5 km from East Village Fakhrabad and the second (area 2) is in the SE of village Shureh. These areas are suitable for further exploration.


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