The survey of the effect of the acceleration aging and cold pretreatment on germination and other factors of the plantlet growth in two varieties of canola

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Research Paper 01/08/2015
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The survey of the effect of the acceleration aging and cold pretreatment on germination and other factors of the plantlet growth in two varieties of canola

Mohammad Reza Baziar
J. Bio. Env. Sci.7( 2), 289-296, August 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


One of the most important problems with oily plants like canola is their storage. Because if the storage of the seeds is not suitable the seeds will oxidize as they are oily and they lose their germination ability much faster than the seeds of the other plants. Therefore to assess the effect of cold and accelerated steers on germination and growth indexes of the plantlets of the two varieties of canola in a factorial experiment and in a randomized complete block design with three replication was conducted. In this research 3 factor including the first factor of two canola varieties (Hayloa -401 and RGS), the second factor of to 10 heat levels (1-30 C , 2- 40 C , 3-50 C ,4-60 C, 5,-20 C,6-30 C˚+cold ,7-40 C˚ +cold ,8-50 C˚+cold ,9-60 C˚+cold ,10-control ), and the third factor of the exposing time to heat in 4 levels (1, 2, 3, 4 days) were used. Finally the length of the plantlets, radicals, plumules, the percentage of germination, the rate of germination and the index of the seed growth were measured. The results showed that both the number of days of thermal treatment and different temperatures had significant effect on the measure factors. It also became clear that the more the temperature and the number of thermal treatment days, the more the effect of them on the reduction of germination of the two mentioned varieties. Furthermore the results showed that if the aged seeds (under the effect of heat) are exposed to cool, the germination will not change significantly and the seeds will have a low germination capacity, and the cold can’t stop the negative effect of the heat and the humidity. So, it seems that suitable storage can be a good solution to maintain the germination capacity of canola seeds.


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