The use of plant bioactives as a potential antimicrobial in meat and meat products

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Research Paper 01/02/2021
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The use of plant bioactives as a potential antimicrobial in meat and meat products

Awais Ahmad, Tayyaba Alvi, Ali Ikram, Amber Tahseen, Khadija Tariq, Abdul mateen, Naveed Rasheed, Muhammad Shaheryar, Mehran Mukhtar, Muzzamal Hussain
Int. J. Biosci.18( 2), 103-113, February 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Infectious diseases and food poisoning from foodborne microorganisms are a major health concern in the modern world. Potential foodborne pathogens cause illness or even death in consumers and this issue highlights the importance of monitoring and prevention. To limit the presence of pathogens in food, natural and synthetic additives are employed in the food systems. Nowadays, natural additives draw the attention of consumers owing to their health endorsing effects and demand for synthetic additives declined due to the safety issues. Meat is the edible flesh of an animal and has high nutritional values. The perishable nature of meat and meat products makes them non-resistant to quality impairments such as microbial deterioration.  To enhance the microbial quality of meat and meat products, natural extracts and essential oils from plant sources are employed through different techniques. Among plants, spices and herbs are an excellent source of bioactive compounds particularly polyphenols. Polyphenols are a diverse class of chemicals naturally present in plants and may confer many health benefits along with antimicrobial properties. Polyphenols from herbs and spices are a promising alternative to food safety and conservation. In a nutshell, this paper reviews the possible mechanisms of plant bioactive against microbes and then the use of plant bioactive and essential oils in meat and meat products.

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