Thin layer chromatographic profiling and phytochemical screening of six medicinal plants in Bangladesh

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Thin layer chromatographic profiling and phytochemical screening of six medicinal plants in Bangladesh

Tanvir Ahamed, S. K. Mizanur Rahman, Abdullah Mohammad Shohael
Int. J. Biosci.11( 1), 131-140, July 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Medicinal plants contain different bioactive compounds which have great importance to the health of individuals and communities. These compounds produce definite physiological action on the human body. The present study was carried out to verify the thin layer chromatographic (TLC) profiling and phytochemical screening of water and ethanol extracts of six different plant parts in Bangladesh. These are Young Mango fruit, Radhuni leaves, Dill leaves, Thankuni leaves, Mature Chalta fruit and Olive fruit. Phytochemical screening was performed by various qualitative methods and TLC profiling was carried out using a various solvent system of varying polarity. Qualitative phytochemical determination by chemical test reflects the presence of alkaloid, steroid, saponin, tannin, leucoanthocyanin, coumarin, flavonoid, reducing sugar, glycoside and phenol in different plants. TLC profiling of these plants were carried out using different solvents of ethanol extracts and it showed different Rvalue. The results obtained in the present investigation indicated that the six plants are rich source of various secondary metabolites. It is also observed that alkaloid and coumarin are common in most of the selected plants. This can be further investigated for the isolation and identification of the active biochemical compound of medicinal utilities in a cost-effective way.


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