Total aflatoxin levels on imported Maize through Gazetted and Un-gazetted points of Entries in Kenya

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Research Paper 15/06/2023
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Total aflatoxin levels on imported Maize through Gazetted and Un-gazetted points of Entries in Kenya

Joseph Oduor Odongo, Paul O. Angi’enda, Bramwel Wanjala, Catherine Taracha, David M. Onyango
J. Bio. Env. Sci.22( 6), 167-176, June 2023.
Certificate: JBES 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Maize is a crucial staple crop that serves as both food and feed in Kenya. However, its widespread cultivation in tropical and subtropical climates often results in contamination with Aspergillus flavus during transportation and storage. The main objective of this study was to assess moisture content and level of aflatoxin contamination present in imported maize from Uganda, the major supplier to Kenya. In situ measurements were taken to determine moisture content. Aflatoxin levels were analyzed using the total aflatoxin (B1, B2, G1, and G2) ELISA method. The study utilized IBM SPSS version 20.0 software to conduct data analysis. The results revealed a statistically significant positive correlation between maize moisture content and aflatoxin (AF) levels at the three points of entry (POEs) in Malaba, Sioport and Busia. This correlation, although considered low with a coefficient of 0.122, indicated that an increase in maize moisture content was associated with a limited increase in AF levels. Out of the 600 representative samples collected from the POEs, the majority exhibited AF levels below the threshold of 10 parts per billion (ppb), with an average level of 2.68ppb. However, 25 samples exceeded the threshold, with the highest level recorded at 27.97ppb. The moisture content of the samples ranged from 9.05% to 14.2%, averaging at 11.6%.These findings indicate that most imported maize samples complied with the regulatory threshold for AF levels, while only a small portion exceeded it. The estimated prevalence rate of AF contamination in the study was 4.17%, significantly lower than the estimated rate in Kenya. These results highlight the commendable efforts of the regulatory agencies at the border in ensuring compliance with the regulatory threshold for imported maize. Nonetheless, there remains a need to implement effective inspection, monitoring, testing, and surveillance measures to further enhance food safety.


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