Towards valorizing spinach and amaranth’s leaves in Eastern democratic republic of Congo

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Research Paper 01/12/2019
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Towards valorizing spinach and amaranth’s leaves in Eastern democratic republic of Congo

Rubayi Sanga Providence, Niyibizi Gakuru Patient, Habineza Mpunga Jean Pierre, Chuma Boshwenda André
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.15( 6), 19-25, December 2019.
Certificate: IJAAR 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Spinach and amaranth are among the most consumed vegetables in Eastern DRC where mothers are encouraged to consider them in their daily diets as source of vitamins and minerals and to fight against infantile malnutrition. During dry season prices are higher as compared to wet season due to low productions; at the same time considerable production losses are encountered during wet seasons due to poor conservation facilities. It’s in the regards that this study was conducted aiming to reduce post-harvest losses by drying leaves; specifically in this study two methods of drying leaves (sun and oven drying) will be assessed to come up with the best; this study will help also diversify consumption pattern in Eastern DRC. Organoleptic and physicochemical analyzes showed that sun-dried vegetables have high values ​​of moisture, iron, fat and ash compared to oven dried vegetables; however, no significant difference was observed between the two methods of drying as regards to protein and calcium contents. Oven drying reduced the aroma, color, taste and flavor of amaranths compared to the sun drying, but no difference was found between the two methods for spinach. These results imply that drying is a good method of preservation, making these vegetables available during the period of scarcity. Oven and sun drying are both good for spinach but precaution should be taken when applying oven drying on amaranths.


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