Toxicity assessment and phytochemical analysis of Broussonetia papyrifera and Lantana camara: Two notorious invasive plant species

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Toxicity assessment and phytochemical analysis of Broussonetia papyrifera and Lantana camara: Two notorious invasive plant species

Huma Qureshi, Muhammad Arshad, Yamin Bibi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 2), 508-517, August 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


The blind dependence on synthetics is over and people are returning to the naturals with hope of safety and security. As concern regarding the health issues of synthetic medicinal, industrial and agricultural chemicals increases, attention is focused on finding some alternative management strategies. Plant derived toxic chemicals being comparatively safer hold great prospects in this regard. In the present investigation, polar and nonpolar fractions of Brousssonetia papyrifera and Lantana camara were assessed for brine shrimp cytotoxicity, sandwich method and radish seed phytotoxicity in search of potential bioactive botanicals. L. camara methanol extract (LCME) with LD50<1000ppm revealed in vivo cytotoxicity and its potential for antitumor compound exploration. B. papyrifera methanol extract (BPME) and L. camara chloroform extract (LCCE) represented good phytotoxicity while LCME was found to have significant phytotoxic potential with 60.48±1.77%, 54.70±2.26% and 72.85±2.69% radish root inhibition respectively. Similarly, leaf litter leachates of L. camara at 50mg concentration rendered 49.26±5.40% inhibition in lettuce root. Species-extract-concentration dependent toxic effects were observed for all the described assays. Our study suggests dose adjustments, isolation and structure elucidation of bioactive compounds for direct use or as lead compounds in the pharmaceutical or agrochemical industry.

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