Toxicity of B. thuringiensis isolates from Indonesia and Philippines against Crocidolomia binotalis Zell

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Toxicity of B. thuringiensis isolates from Indonesia and Philippines against Crocidolomia binotalis Zell

Akhmad Rizali
Int. J. Biosci.12( 2), 330-336, February 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Numerous chemical insecticides have been used in order to control pests, which damage for agriculture. While they are too expensive in the developing countries and harmful to both human and the environment. In addition, target insect pests rapidly develop biological resistance especially at higher rates of application. The chemical insecticides are still contributing to human life enormously, but they have been distributed in ecological system of organisms including human beings because of their low specific toxicity to any organism and their low specific toxicity to any organism and their slight decomposition in nature. Ten larvae were used per isolate. Mortality was noted from 24 hours after treatment. Larvae death was determined by touching them gently with a toothpick to detect any movement. In one treatment the leaves were dipped only in distilled water before feeding them to the test inscts. The last treatment served as the control. Ten-second instar larvae were used per replication with 3 replicates per concentration and with 7 concentrations per isolate. The control larvae were fed with petchay leaves soaked in distilled water. Evaluations were conducted in two trials and each trial was conducted on separated days. The data were corrected using Abbots formula. The initial screening of 145 B. thurngiensis isolates obtained from BIOTECH Philippines and one from Indonesia, showed 40 isolates with varying toxicities ranging from 40 to 100% mortality. The LC50 of the four isolates compared with the standard are as follow: #13 (63.34), L3 (161.17), L26 (185.12), SCSP6 (175.48) and the standard isolate (HD-1) is 51.93.

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