Toxicity of Citrus aurantifolia and Citrus hystrix against Aedes albopictus larvae

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Research Paper 01/06/2017
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Toxicity of Citrus aurantifolia and Citrus hystrix against Aedes albopictus larvae

Muthulinggam Nishan, Partiban Subramanian, Ravintharaan Saahatish, Victor Antony Santiago Jesudoss
Int. J. Biosci.10( 6), 48-54, June 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Dengue is a major threat for humans. Since 1970’s dengue cases was found to be increasing in terms of frequency and intensity. Thus, in this study fruits from the Citrus species were used to evaluate the larvicidal activity against the 3rd instar of Aedes albopictus. Bioassay was carried out using the ethanolic extract of pulps of C. aurantifolia and C. hystrix. C. aurantifolia exhibits higher larvicidal activity. C. aurantifolia caused 66.70% of mortality at the concentration of 3.75mg/ml over 24 hours period of time whereas, C. hystrix caused the percentage of mortality of 56.70% at the concentration of 3.75mg/ml over 24 hours. Moreover, both the botanical extract exhibit similar outcomes as the synthetics at the concentration of 3.75mg/ml over 72 hours period. The median lethal concentration (LC50) exhibited by C. aurantifolia was 2.95mg/ml and C. hystrix was 3.01mg/ml respectively.  In nut shell, C. aurantifolia and C. hystrix was found to have larvicidal activity and thus, this fruits have potential to be develop as a larvicidal agent. Further study needed to identify the active compound that caused the toxicity and to do carry out experiment on field condition.


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