Toxicity of selected mangroves species on brine shrimp (Artemia salina)

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Research Paper 10/12/2024
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Toxicity of selected mangroves species on brine shrimp (Artemia salina)

Joana Rose A. Narag-Pagaduan, Emma L. Ballad, Jr. Lito S. Guzman
J. Bio. Env. Sci.25( 6), 85-94, December 2024.
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The study aimed to evaluate the toxicity of different mangroves species Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata, and Bruguiera sexangula against brine shrimp (Artemia salina) as a preliminary assessment of its potential adverse effects as an herbal medicine. Brine shrimp were chosen as test organisms due to their sensitivity to various substances, making them suitable indicators for toxicity testing. The mangrove samples were extracted and were prepared to different dilutions for this study: 1 μg/ml (T1), 10 μg/ml (T2), 100 μg/ml (T3), 1000μg/ ml (T4). The findings of the study showed that the lethality of the three mangrove extracts on brine shrimp nauplii was found to be concentration-dependent. The brine shrimp mortality increases as extract concentration increases with T4  (1000 μg/ml)  consistently showed higher death percentage compared to lower treatments is advised that further research be done on the Bruguiera sexangula crude extract to determine the bioactive components that are responsible for both its toxicity and its biopesticide properties.


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