Toxicological effects of tobacco dust and smoke on human health

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Research Paper 01/08/2019
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Toxicological effects of tobacco dust and smoke on human health

Raza Ullah, Ihteshamul Haq, Shakeel Ahmad, Fazli Zahir, Muhammad Zeeshan, Habib Ullah Khan, Waqar Ahmad, Izaz Ali
Int. J. Biosci.15( 2), 42-50, August 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


This classic review aims to assess and describe the adverse effects of tobacco on people who either work at tobacco field or factories or use them in any form for chewing, smoking etc. These mainly occur due to the presence of various toxic chemicals in it, which enter the human body either through cutaneous or oral route. During the study, previous literature from research and review articles pertaining the harmful effects of tobacco were concerned and the cumulative effects being described. The possible mechanisms by which chemicals in tobacco cause illnesses have been analyzed and the overall negative influences of tobacco on human health have been discussed. Consumption of tobacco lead to various health hazards including hormonal dysfunction, cancer, lungs disorders, genotoxicity, tuberculosis, cardiovascular disorders and several others. Tobacco being a cash crop on one hand has negatively impacted human’s health on the other hand resulting in severe disorders. And keeping in mind the WHO estimates of mortality rate by 2030, public awareness programs should be commenced to tackle this sweltering concern across the globe.


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