Trace-elements evaluation of composted municipal solid wastes used in dry season production of tomato (Lycorpersicum esculentus) in an inland valley soils of Delta State, Nigeria

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Research Paper 01/12/2021
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Trace-elements evaluation of composted municipal solid wastes used in dry season production of tomato (Lycorpersicum esculentus) in an inland valley soils of Delta State, Nigeria

Egbuchua Collins, Enujeke Emmanuel Chukudinife
Int. J. Biosci.19( 6), 13-19, December 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Field experiments were carried out in the inland valley soil to evaluate the trace-elements concentration of composted municipal solid wastes used as a soil amendment in dry season cultivation of Tomato (Lycorpersicum esculentus). The experiments were laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design in three replicates. Each experimental plot measured 2.5 m × 2.5 m with an alley of 1m between blocks and 0.5 m between plots. The initial physico-chemical properties of the soil, concentration of trace-elements in the municipal solid wastes and total extractable trace-elements in tomato plants after harvest were all routinely analyzed. The treatment was incorporated during the harrowing of the experimental site at the rate of 20 t/ha. Nursery-raised tomato seedlings (Var. Roma VF) were transplanted to the field 4 weeks after treatment application. Data were collected on plant height, number of leaves/plant, number of branches/plant, number of fruits/plant, fresh fruit weight and total fresh fruit yield at 2 weeks interval after transplanting and at 12 and 14 WAT for yield variables. Results showed that the soil of the experimental site was acidic, sandy loam and loam in texture with variable nutrient concentrations. Composted municipal solid wastes significantly (P <0.05) increased plant height, number of leaves/plant, number of branches/plant and total yield of Tomato over the control plots. The content of trace-elements evaluated in the study at harvest showed that they were below the threshold of toxicity and above optimal growth levels. Thus, they do not pose any threat to human health and the environment.


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