Tumor necrosis factor alpha in smokers and non-smokers

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Research Paper 01/02/2014
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Tumor necrosis factor alpha in smokers and non-smokers

Behbudi Laleh, Sedaghati Saeid, Sokhanguei Yahya, Afsharmand Zohreh
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 2), 159-164, February 2014.
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Previous investigations have described a positive association between smoking and systemic inflammation. To compare serum Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) between smoker and non-smoker men, fifteen healthy adult smoker and the same number non-smoker men matched for age and body mass index participated in this study by accessible sampling. To determine difference in serum TNF-α between two group, their blood samples were collected an overnight fast. Independent sample T-test was used to compare the serum levels of TNF-α between smoker and non smoker subjects. There was not significant difference in serum TNF-α between smoker and non-smoker groups. These data do not support the inflammatory property of smoking. Further studies are needed to clarify possible mechanisms by which smoking affect systemic inflammation by TNF-α or other cytokines.


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