Types of Agroforestry Systems, Practices and Local Indicators for Farmers’ Adaptation to Climate Change in the Hadiya Zone, Ethiopia

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Types of Agroforestry Systems, Practices and Local Indicators for Farmers’ Adaptation to Climate Change in the Hadiya Zone, Ethiopia

Yohannes Horamo, Munyaradzi Chitakira, Kowiyou Yessoufou
Int. J. Biosci.25( 6), 79-100, December 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Climate change negatively affects agricultural production, the natural resources base, and the livelihoods of communities. As such, adapting to climate change through agroforestry practices is important for sustainable agriculture. This study aimed to assess farmers’ adaptation to climate change through agroforestry practices in the Hadiya zone, in Ethiopia. Stratified random sampling techniques were employed. Data were collected through structured and semi-structured questionnaires. Data were analyzed using Participatory Learning Action tools. In this study, three major agroforestry systems, five common agroforestry practices, six major and seven minor associated food and cash crops, more than 14 common multipurpose tree species, four common tree propagation or seedling sources, nine common tree niches versus population and five common tree management practices were identified, analyzed and recorded in the order of priority in adapting to climate change. The major finding from the focus groups or key informant interviews is that income generation is of primary importance in deciding whether to plant trees. Farmers preferred Grevillea robusta as the best agroforestry or multi-purpose tree species compared to other existing indigenous or introduced multi-purpose tree species. Mellia azedarach and Cupressus lusitanica were the least preferred tree species. Agroforestry systems and practices should be encouraged in the study area to enhance adaptation to climate change by addressing food, wood, and income needs. Consequently, this helps farmers to develop their livelihood assets.


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