Ultrastructural and physiological aspects of eucalyptus clones submitted to barium

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Research Paper 01/01/2018
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Ultrastructural and physiological aspects of eucalyptus clones submitted to barium

Lucas Aparecido Manzani Lisboa, Caio Marçal Gomes David, Wagner José Machado da Silva, Flávia Aparecida Santos Matias Machado da Silva, Brenda Geraldi Araujo, Marcos da Silva Ataide, Hiago Augusto Amaral Sacco, Leandro Barradas Pereira, Paulo Alexandre Monteiro de Figueiredo
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.12( 1), 53-61, January 2018.
Certificate: IJAAR 2018 [Generate Certificate]


This work aimed evaluate ultrastructural and physiological aspects of 35-days old eucalyptus, clones 13; 59 and 131, by submitting them to the following barium doses: null, 125; 250; 500 and 1000 ppm of barium solution, with four repetitions. Due to the exposition to barium, there was appearance of phytotoxicity on the leaves. Then, it was determined the following variables: Phloem of Diameter of Leaf and Root (PDL and PDR); Xylem of Diameter of Leaf and Root (XDL and XDR) and Thickness of Palisade Parenchyma (PP); Spad Index (SPADI); Inferior Face of Stomata Functionality of the Inferior Face (IFSF) and Stomach Density of the Inferior Face (SD). Barium negatively influenced the leaf ultrastructure of eucalyptus and its physiology. Eucalyptus clones 13; 59 and 131 are susceptible to barium solution. Barium caused root and ultraestructutal leaves and root damages on eucalyptus clones. Xylem diameter of leaves of eucalyptus clones 13 and 59 were not harmed as exposed to Barium.


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