Uncovering the emerging concerns in monitoring and management of Nematopalaemon tenuipes Aramang fisheries: Towards the design, development and implementation of an IT solution

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Research Paper 01/06/2019
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Uncovering the emerging concerns in monitoring and management of Nematopalaemon tenuipes Aramang fisheries: Towards the design, development and implementation of an IT solution

Billy S. Javier
J. Bio. Env. Sci.14( 6), 298-308, June 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Fishers and locals’ knowledge along abundance and catch areas of the endemic specie, Nematopalaemon tenuipes, is very limited, hence affecting production and economic stability in the area considering weather and water parameters, and pricing. This study focused on uncovering the emerging concerns in monitoring the fishing practices towards the design, implementation and testing of a Geographic Information System (GIS)-Based Mapping and Prediction for Nematopalaemon tenuipes Aramang Fisheries with Decision Tree Algorithm. Conducted in Aparri Philippines, descriptive data was obtained thru a validated 5-point Likert survey-questionnaire among 40 participants composed of IT experts, Fisheries and Marine Sciences experts, agriculture office staff, and members of the Aparri Aramang Fishers’ Association. Additionally, interview guide and documentary analysis elicited additional data. Findings presented a varying concern along the management, operations, and monitoring of catch and production of the endemic Aramang both among fishers and concerned office. Further, results showed a need to implementing an information system embedding decision support system with prediction and the provision of GIS-based catch maps necessary to providing meaningful information to fishers saving their fuel resources, time, and cost in fishing. While Aramang fishing greatly aids in economic development, production trend data tends to reveal overfishing, posing challenges on conservation and management of the specie and sustainability of livelihood to fishers’ families. The design, implementation and utilization by the local agriculture office of a viable system will serve as decision-support and IEC tool for reconsidering the open and closed season of Aramang catch aiding to conservation and management towards sustainability.


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