Usages and cultural significance of Hura crepitans L. (Euphorbiaceae) in local communities of ouémè and plateau departments (South Benin)

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Research Paper 03/01/2025
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Usages and cultural significance of Hura crepitans L. (Euphorbiaceae) in local communities of ouémè and plateau departments (South Benin)

Sedami Igor Armand Yevide, Sidoine Kolaolé Yebadokpo, Gbodja Houéhanou François Gbesso, Essenam Esdora Christine Dansou
J. Bio. Env. Sci.26( 1), 20-34, January 2024.
Certificate: JBES 2025 [Generate Certificate]


Hura crepitans L., commonly referred to as the “sandbox tree,” is a tree species widely distributed across tropical regions. Despite its ecological and socio-economic significance, limited research has been conducted on its traditional utilization and perception by local communities in West Africa, particularly in Benin. This investigation aims to address this knowledge gap by examining the ethnobotanical importance of this species in southern Benin. Ethnobotanical surveys were conducted with 357 respondents across nine (09) Communes in the Ouémè and Plateau departments. Data concerning socio-demographic characteristics, usages made from species, modes of knowledge transmission, and threats were collected and analyzed using Microsoft Excel and R studio. Twenty-eight (28) distinct uses categorized into eight (08) use categories were identified. The “Holli” sociolinguistic group primarily employs species for medicinal, construction, and artisanal purposes, while the “Nago” focuses on construction, medicinal, and cosmetic applications, and the “Wémè” on agricultural, cultural, and religious uses. Knowledge transmission is predominantly oral, passed from father to son, with significant variations among ethnic groups (p < 0.0001), age categories (p = 0.002), religious affiliations (p < 0.0001), and education levels (p = 0.045). The species demonstrates high cultural importance for construction (0.60), agricultural (0.47), artisanal (0.31), and medicinal (0.30) applications. Deforestation and excessive harvesting were identified as primary threats to the species’ survival. These findings enhance our understanding of the relationship between people and the species for sustainable management and conservation strategies.


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